Finishing Projects

If you are looking to motivate yourself to de-clutter or re-organize a part of your house, and you are a procrastinator like me, I have a few suggestions for you. My bedroom has gone through many transformations in the past few years, and each time it has been spurred by:

1. Complete boredom

2. Months of Being Frustrated by how it currently looks

3. Too much time on my hands

Yesterday afternoon, I started feeling stir crazy because I had been home alone for more than an hour. For an extrovert like myself, any more than that much time alone is not enjoyable. As far as I can remember, nothing sparked my interest in re-organizing my room but before I knew it I had four boxes in the hallway, two sets of shelves emptied onto the floor and my bed, covered in clothes, in the middle of the room. In most cases, this could be manageable, but my room is less than spacious. In a similar moment last year, I decided to re-paint my room. An equally questionable decision.  ImageBoth times of sudden needs to change the environment came from too much time alone. Also both times my parents came home to a room half-way finished. The problem that I run in to every time I want to change my room, is that I don’t care enough to fully finish the makeover. This time, I am determined to finish. I have found a few things that are helping me keep moving, and the things that distract me from finishing. 

Distraction #1: Memories. I will start finding papers and pictures that remind me of sweet times in the past, and then two hours later, instead of cleaning my room I will have made some random craft. Which is cool, but not the goal. So, to overcome the memory distraction, I categorize and throw away. (typically I categorize my time period)

Distraction #2: Trash. If the a trash can is not in the room that I am cleaning, I will start a pile of trash that I ignore for as long as possible. Learn from my mistake and have a (large) trash can close by anytime you are organizing. 

Distraction #3: Over Commitment: The most distracting thing is not knowing what to do with certain items. The best way I have found to overcome this is pick small goals for the day. As you all know, I am a huge fan of lists. If I list out: organize craft papers, make the bed, organize clothes, clean out makeup and hair products, etc. it makes the scary task of “redoing my bedroom” into small fun projects that take an hour or less each. 

Today, I have accomplished two small tasks, (with the help of this website to organize craft paper) and I am deciding to celebrate that rather than getting frustrated that my room is still kind of a mess. This way, my spirits will stay high and I will not get as overwhelmed. I noticed while doing this that after 21 years of calling this space my room, I have no good pictures of it. Hopefully, after this makeover is done I will be proud enough of the way it looks that I will start allowing pictures to be taken in here. Good luck on all of your cleaning ventures, and remember that organizing is like weight loss. It takes time and hard work to get a system that works and is best for you.